Work Center

[About Work Center] [About Shop Order Infinite Scheduling] [About Constraint Based Scheduling]

[To MFG Standard] [To Master Scheduling] [To Make to Stock Planning] [To Repetitive Planning] [To Manufacturing] [To Costing]


Use this window to enter and revise data for work centers. The information that you enter for work centers is used when you work with operations, shop orders, master scheduling, material requirements planning (MRP), and cost estimates. Work centers are used when you enter operations, so they must be entered before operations.

Note: If IFS/Purchasing is not installed, then you cannot create outside work centers.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Detail, Cost, Resource, WC Capacity, Query RoutingsQuery Routing Templates, Query Std Operations, RRP Capacity, Location, Setup Matrix, Emissions

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Structure/Routing
BDR for constraint based scheduling
BDR for production schedules
BDR for shop floor reporting
Set up object costing basic data
BDR for eco-footprint impact estimation


Create work center
Define resources
Define RRP unique work centers
Define RRP resources
Create a routing template
Define work center cost
Copy work center from other work center
Create setup matrix
Enter shop floor reporting basic data
Define work center emissions