
[About Projects] [About Project Budgeting and Forecasting] [To Project Management]


Use this window to create, modify, and view details about a project. You can right click on this window and select the Project Forecasts menu option which will open the Project Forecasts window where you can create and manage project forecast as well as budget related information.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: GeneralCustomer, Revenue, Project History, Currency, Addresses, PCE Code Part, Access, Demand, Supply, Delivery Project, Milestones, Site, Quotation List, PrePosting, Finance, Manual Connections, Roles and Role Assignments.

If IFS/Project Reporting is used together with IFS/Project, the Pricing tab is available.

If IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance is used together with IFS/Project, the Work Orders tab will also be available.

Activity Diagrams

Initiate Project
Establish Project Plan
Define Project Deliverables
Approve Project
Analyze Project Performance
Complete Project
Close Project
Restart Project
BDR for Project Budgeting and Forecasting
Create and Develop Project Forecast
Create and Develop Project Budget
Approve Project Forecast with Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget with Approval Routing
Approve Project Forecast without Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget without Approval Routing


Connect Document To Project
Copy Project Plan
Delete Project
Approve Project
Start Project
Restart Project
Complete Project
Close Project
Cancel Project
Set Baseline
Net Project Material
Print Project Pick List
Create Project Forecast Versions
Enable Budget Control On Project
Control As Budgeted
Copy From Forecast
Create Project Snapshot
Connect Existing Snapshot
Set Forecast As Budget
Set As Preliminary
Review Forecast
Start Approval on Forecast
Approve Forecast
Cancel Approval on Forecast
Set Forecast As Budget
Cancel Forecast Version
Connect Project To Cost Breakdown Structure
Define Project Roles
Enter Role Assignments