Punch List

[About Punch List Management] [To Commissioning]


Use this window to manage a Punch List and associated Punch Items. The header contains general information relating to the punch list and the table contains information about the punch items for the punch list. Once a record has been saved and a Completion Group assigned, you can then add punch items to the punch list. It is also possible to connect objects such as a Project and Company to the punch list for reference and reporting purposes.

The status of the punch list can be changed when you right-click on the header, click Status, and then click the required status. Similarly to change the status of a punch item, select the row for the punch item, right-click, click Status and then click the required status.

Activity Diagrams

Document Commissioning and Handover for Operation


Create Punch List
Create Punch Items
Create Work Order for Design Object
Change Punch List Status
Change Punch Item Status