Shop Order As-Built Structure

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Use this window to view or edit a tracked structure, for parts currently being manufactured on a shop order using a graphical view of the structure.

An as-built structure includes a parent and at least one component that are either lot-tracked or serial-tracked. The information in this window provides the structure information for a given part and allows you to see other information about the structure, such as the operations reports and inventory transactions linked to the production order, the bill of materials and routing used by the order, and the lot batch and/or serial history associated with the parent part. You can also view lot or serial master information.

An as-built structure includes a parent and at least one component that is either lot-tracked or serial-tracked. The information in this window provides the structure information for a given part and allows you to see other information about the structure, such as components used, inventory transactions linked to the production order, bill of materials, and the lot batch and/or serial history associated with the parent part. You can also view lot or serial master information.

You can right-click and then click Build Tracked Structures to assign serial or lot-tracked components to a serial or lot-tracked parent. The tracked structure can be updated to reflect any changes to shop order information by right-clicking and then clicking Re-Build Tracked Structures. Examples of such changes include a change in lot size or quantity per assembly on the shop order. You can also right-click and then click Remove Tracked Structures to completely remove the existing structure.

You can add and remove components in the structure by right-clicking and then clicking the relevant right mouse button option or by using the drag and drop feature.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Tracked Structure, Components, Material, Material Transactions, Lot/Serial Link, Lots/Batches.

Activity Diagrams

Reserve components
Receive shop order


Check reserved serial structure
Modify reserved serial structure
Receive into inventory manually