Use this window to register all basic data for your expenses. This window is the basic business object. A unique Expense ID number identifies a travel expense, and is always connected to one employee, one company, and the sheet. Prices and allowances are automatically calculated depending on how the rules are defined in the system. The employee can confirm the information when it is registered. You cannot change anything in the expense sheet after it has been authorized. If you have to make any changes, you must register a new expense. You cannot register an expense in advance. Connect your expenses to different projects and activities in the Project Reporting process. This connection can be made for the entire expense sheet, or on an individual row basis. You can also connect expenses to work orders. Expenses connected to projects or work orders will be transferred when the expenses are authorized.
The Payment Currency and the currency rate used between Payment Currency and Accounting Currency are cached for performance reasons. This means that these should only be changed when no users are online, alternatively the users have to log off and then log on again after it has been changed.
The following options are available in the Operations menu or in the right mouse button menu:
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Expenses, Entertainment , Credit Card, Compensations, Mileage, Route, Postings, Payments.
Note: The Compensations and Route tabs are included in the form only if IFS/Travel Allowance is installed and Payments only if IFS/Employee Payment is installed.
Register Employee
Register Employee
Expense - Add On