Update Values For Interval Maintenance On Given Serial (Step 2 of 2)

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Use this step of the Change Maintenance Program On Serial assistant to enter or update the start values for the interval maintenance on the complete structure of the serial, which has the new maintenance program after the change.

When the maintenance program and maintenance group of a particular serial are changed, it is often necessary to adjust the values for the interval maintenance that has to be accurately calculated for the serial. If the intervals for the maintenance codes in the old maintenance plan differ from the intervals of the new maintenance plan, it is necessary to adjust the values for the interval maintenance. Click Query to filter the serials in the structure for which you will update the interval maintenance values. Click Save to save your changes.

Note: Be cautious when you register a start or updated value for a serial, because these values are important for calculations such as the due date calculation for interval maintenance tasks. 

When you click Finish, the window or tab that the Change Maintenance Program On Serial assistant was opened from will be updated with the changes done in the assistant.

Activity Diagrams

Define Serial Structure
Maintain Serial Structure
Define Preventive Maintenance Program


Connect Maintenance Program to Serial
Change Maintenance Program and/or Maintenance Group for Structure