Navigator for (part number)

[About Project Product Structure] [Design Project Delivery Product]


Use this window to view the structure of a selected project item. Items with underlying structures are indicated by plus signs on the map.

Each item is shown as one line of text that provides the part number, part name, part description, and item No. You can move gradually down through the structure by double-clicking an item in the structure or by selecting one or more items and then clicking the Expand icon. The selected item will expand and the items at the underlying level will be shown. This window is displayed via the View Navigator menu choice in Delivery Projects and in Project Product/Items.

Note: Tool Tip text:

When located above a node, a tool tip text will appear below the cursor. The tool tip contains information      about: 1) The part standard name and 2) The number of children below the node. This information can be used to decide whether you want to expand the node. If the node contains a great number of children, expanding the node could be time-consuming.

Activity Diagrams

Create Project Product Structure


          View Project Delivery Structure Graphically
          Engineering Part Revision
          Project Item