Project Item

[About Project Item] [About Project Item Cost and Hours] [Design Project Delivery Product]


Use this window and its tabs to enter and view information related to project items and their structures. The information in the tabs relates to the item number displayed at the top of the window. The right mouse button menu options only apply to the active tab. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Project Item, Cost, Hours, Consist Of, PDM Structure, MultilevelTag Info, Spare Parts, Journal, Char. Calc., Char. Snapshot, App. Routing, Total Doc. Survey, Total Doc. Req., Serial Info or Supply Info.

Activity Diagrams

Create Project Product Structure
Create And Connect Project Tag
Approve Project Product Structure
Analyze Test Results


Change Project Product
Connect Tags to Project Items
Copy Standard Structure
Copy Delivery Structure
Print Delivery Structure Including Documents Report
Approve Project Product Design
Set Project Product Structure Realized
Redefine Project Item
Redesign Project Item
Delete Project Delivery Structure Branch