Use this window and its tabs to enter and view parts to be scheduled on level 1 and to study the results of MS on level 1. Components of parts that were planned on level 0 are automatically entered on level 1 during the disaggregation process. Forecast information comes from level 0. You can add other forecasts to these parts on level 1. A part does not need to be a member of a level 0 family to be planned in MS. Parts that do not belong to a level 0 family are entered manually in this window, then processed in the same way as parts that belong to a level 0 family. Master Scheduling considers only company-owned stock.
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Detail, Forecast Consumption, Register Forecast, Sub MS Receipts, View by Period, Receipt, Action Messages.
BDR for MS 1
Perform MS level 1
Update result from level 0
Enter master schedule
Perform master schedule
1 calculation
Evaluate master scheduling
level 1 result
Evaluate master
scheduling level 1 result using period template