Use this window and its tabs to enter a recipe structure for parts with the part type Manufactured Recipe. Recipe structures are an alternative to the traditional product structure, allowing you to enter components by weight or by volume. If you change part of a recipe structure, you can recalculate the structure. Recipe structures are processed in the same way as product structures in the shop order process. For each part number, you can see any engineering change orders (ECOs) associated with that part, including the source of the change order and the date on which the change order was made. Any ECO information will be transferred automatically when a part revision is created by an engineering transfer. You can also manually enter ECOs for the selected part.
For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Recipe Structure, Query – Where Used, Query – Multi Level, Eng Change Order, Design FMEAs, By-Product Cost Distribution, MRBs.
The Eng Change Order tab is only visible if you have IFS/Engineering installed. The Design FMEAs tab is only visible if you have Failure Modes and Effects Analysis installed.The Recipe Structure MRB tab is only available if you have Manufacturing Standards installed.
Define and maintain recipe structures
Breakdown Error Message
Breakdown Recipe
Adjust yield
Adjust standard batch
Adjust proportionally
Adjust largest share
Define and maintain alternate component
work guideline to structure component
Copy recipe alternative
Copy recipe revision
Replace recipe structure component
Phase out or replace component in several structures
Create HSE batch transfer messaging