Shop Floor Workbench/Material

[About Shop Floor Reporting] [About Document and Media Handling in Shop Floor Workbench]

[To Manufacturing]


Use this tab to view either materials connected to the selected operation, or materials for the entire shop order which the selected operation belongs to. Switch between the two options by using the right mouse button options. Material can be connected to an operation in the Shop Order/Material tab or in the Product Structure, Recipe Structure or Configuration Structure window based on the structure type.

You can take actions on the material lines such as reserve, issue and report component scrap.

If the available quantity on Inbound Locations is lower than the remaining quantity for the part, a white exclamation mark will appear in the left margin.

If the  available quantity is lower than the remaining quantity for the part, a red exclamation mark will appear in the left margin.

Activity Diagrams

Report manufacturing from shop floor
Reserve components
Issue components


View shop floor workbench
Reserve shop order components automatically
Reserve shop order components manually
Unreserve material
Issue components manually
Scrap of component
Unreport component scrap