Posting Proposal/Authorize

[To Enter and Post Supplier Invoice]


Use this window to authorize posting proposals in invoices. Only users who have the required authority can view the posting proposals. All the users connected as acknowledgers or authorizers for the posting proposal, should work on the lines to which they are connected, as appropriate (i.e. acknowledgers should acknowledge the posting line, and authorizers should authorize the posting line). The invoice total amount should be posted before the invoice can be fully posted. You can also add new authorizers and remove any invalid authorizers in this window.

The Authorize Summary section in the window will display a summary of the authorizers connected to the proposal and, is grouped by sequence, authorizer, role, and the authorization status. The total amount to be authorized by each authorizer under the same role is listed under this section. The Authorize Details section will display detailed information about each line for which the authorizer is responsible, with a reference to details in the invoice lines. 

For example, if a user acting as an authorizer has three posting lines to authorize, all three lines will be displayed in the Authorize Details section. In the Authorize Summary section, all three lines will be combined and displayed as one line, including the total amount of the three lines.

You can also view the documents attached to an invoice by right-clicking and then clicking View Connected Document. (i.e. the invoice image). 

Activity Diagrams

Authorize Posting Proposal


Add Authorizers Manually
Confirm Authorization
Adjust Authorizers
Remove Authorization