
[About Lead Time] [About Sourcing] [About Charge/No Charge] [About Periodic Weighted Average] [About Cascade Update of Cost on Inventory Transactions] [About Centralized Part Description] [About Two-Stage Picking] [About Inventory Putaway]

[To Define Distribution Basics] [To Maintain Inventory] [To Procurement]


Use this tab and its sub tabs to enter the basic data for all the sites to be used in the system. Any changes to the parameters will affect the entire site.

For the description of the Extended Site Info tab in the window, follow the link: Extended Site Info

Activity Diagrams

Site specific data, distribution
BDR for procurement
BDR for counting
BDR for periodic weighted average


Enter a new site
Enter default address for site
Enter message receiver
Create internal customer
Create internal supplier
Enter time zone offset
Indicate inventory valuation method
Decide if negative value on hand is allowed
Indicate purchase component method
Indicate parameters for product structures
Indicate supplier invoice consideration level
Register counting difference limits
Enter picking lead time
Enter disposition of quotation
Enter customer order pricing method
Enter customer order discount method
Connect branch to site
Use centralized part description
Use two-stage picking
Define default receive case for inventory
Enter Treatment of Released Purchase Requisitions by Planning
Setup the Site to Perform Multilevel Repair
Set DOP Auto Close
Define Progress Templates per Site
Set Operations to Follow the Status of Work Orders per Site