Sales Quotation/Quotation Lines

[About Sales Quotations] [About Pricing] [About Complementary Parts] [About Configured Pricing] [About CTO in IFS/Customer Orders] [About Interim Demand Structures] [About Lead Time] [About Prices Including Tax] [To Sales, Order] [To Follow-up and Analysis, Sales] [About Capability Check] [About Pricing] [About Customer Rebates]


Use this tab to enter the parts, quantities, and price breaks on the quotation. You can also enter the desired date of delivery for every line on the quotation.

Activity Diagrams

Enter sales quotation
Enter sales quotation, CTO
Handle sales quotation
Enter and maintain warranties
View order event history
Queries, sales


Enter quotation line
Enter competitor to quotation line
Release quotation
Enter reason for lost quotation line
Create customer order from quotation line

Pick quotation lines from sales quotation template
Enter complementary parts
Enter substitute sales part on quotation line
Run capability check
Study plannable per part

Enter and maintain customer warranties
Handle quotation line discounts
Recalculate price/currency for quotation line
Enter price breaks for quotation lines
Enter quotation line sales tax
Analyze price per part and customer

Recalculate cost
Create configuration
Edit configuration
Copy configuration
View configuration

Create interim order
View/edit interim order
Delete interim order
Enter document text
Enter note

Change delivery address per quotation line
Cancel quotation
View quotation line history