

Use this window to register a new customer. You can also connect other information to the customer record, such as language, country, company, address, contacts, communication methods, message setup, etc.

Different tabs appear depending upon which modules have been installed. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Address, Contacts, Comm. Method, Message Setup, Invoice, Payment, Credit InfoOrder, Customer Projects, Project Report Parameters.

Activity Diagrams

BDR enter customer
BDR for supply chain relations

BDR for externally owned stock
BDR for shipping by route


Enter general customer info
Enter customer address info
Exclude customer from intrastat reporting
Define site to site supply chain parameters
Define site to customer supply chain parameters
Define supplier to customer supply chain parameters
Enter customer contact
Enter communication method
Enter customer message data
Enter customer invoice info
Enter customer tax code info
Enter customer payment info
Enter customer credit info
Enter general customer order information
Connect customer price group to customer
Connect discount type to a customer
Specify Acquisition Value Level
Allow Part Ownership Transfer
Define default order type on customer
Connect supplier to commission receiver
Connect salesman to commission receiver
Connect route to customer
Enter loading sequence
Enter miscellaneous customer info
Enter order address info
Enter price list per price group
Print sales price list
Enter note