Enter Employment Reduction Types Reduction Types Enter Employee Category Employee Category Define List of Values for Property Codes with Multiple Fields Property Field Values Define Multiple Fields Property Field Definition Enter Employment Agreement Agreement Define Age Group Setup Age Group Class Enter Personal Document Types Personal Document Type Translate Employee Basic Data HR Basic Data Translation Define Protected Information of Person Protected Information Enter Types of Additional Pay Pay Types Give User Access to Employees in Other HR Company Company Access Define Free Fields used in Employee Files Info 1 Employee Free Field Definition Give User Access to Groups of Former Employees Access to Former Employee Groups Give User Access to Protected Persons Access to Protected Persons Enter Relationship Types Relationship Type Define Employee Status Codes Employee Status Codes Enter Translation to Free Field and Property Code Property Field Translation Configure Display of Employee Name Employee Name Configurator Register LoV to Property Codes Property Field Values Give User Access to Selected Employees in Own Company Position Access Manage Options for Marital Status Marital Status Define Rules for Employee Self Service Employee Self Service Access Rules Define Property Codes Property Field Definition Enter Periods for Additional Pay Additional Pay Type Periods Enter Reasons for Leaving Reason for Leaving Define Reasons for Salary Changes Reasons for Salary Changes Enter Former Employee Groups Former Employee Groups Enter Employment Types Employment Types Give User AccessTo Own Master Data Company Details Define Format for Percentage Salary Update Salary Update Parameters Employee Administration, BDR lesson Properties, BDR lesson Set Up Automatic Generation of Employee Number Enterprise Identities Series Enter Position Assignment Types Assigment Types Enter Path to MS Word Templates Word Template Definition Give User Access to all Employees Company Access Define Periods and Displayed Rates Salary Rate, Frequency and Period Enter Evacuation Areas Evacuation Areas Configure Wizard Steps Assistant Configuration