
[About Activities] [To Project Management]


Use this window to display activity information in the corresponding tabs available.

The window can also be accessed from Sub Projects or Activities windows. If more than one subproject or activity has been selected from either of these windows, the  activities will be available in the Project combo box. This enables you to work with activity information from different projects.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Cost, Revenue, Hours, Sub Project, Tasks, Connections, Demand, Supply Resources, Planning, Estimate.

If IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance is used together with IFS/Project, the tab Work Orders will also be available.

Activity Diagrams

Initiate Project
Establish Project Plan
Approve Project
Complete Project
Close Project
Restart Project
Execute Activity


Insert Activities
Connect Document To Activity
Copy Activity
Cancel Activity
Release Activity
Complete Activity
Close Activity
Reopen Activity
Delete Activity
Report Cost/Hours/Revenue and Progress on Activity Objects